
Our member benefits:

🏇🏻Discounted Rates for members for our Events and Clinics!

🏇🏻BRC associated member benefits (including up to £30,000 public liability insurance whilst at a BRC event, a quarterly subscription to “Rider” magazine and much more)

🏇🏻SDG competition leagues with the chance to win trophies

🏇🏻Be part of a Friendly and supportive club!

🏇🏻Clinics and training opportunities throughout the year!

🏇🏻Priority Booking for all of our events and clinics!

🏇🏻BRC individual and team opportunities for all members!

🏇🏻Priority Booking for our mid week summer series dressage show! 

You may join the club at any time throughout the year, membership runs on a 12 month rolling cycle and can be done using the Sport 80 link below.